Expecting with no rights to expect.

23 April 2014

You know when how things are, you know he is not the right person. You like him but don't see the two of you paving a way into a future. You are not entitled to expect anything from him if you render him no right to expect from you. Yet, you are affected when he does not react the way someone who like you should.

It's a selfish act. Self fulfilling a greedy mind and eats you up. Someone who just likes to be liked. This is pure ugliness. Love to be yearned for, hearing how you are important and irreplaceable. Undeniably, self-esteem is the root of the problem and to the problem this is normally the solution most sought.

You are not and can't be completely honest to someone you are not entitled to expect anything from.

 16 May 2014

Thank you. Thank you for putting me as your priority always. Be it work, money, your lazy bone and emotions included. Most of the time I prevail. To see someone doing this for me, I am thankful. I never believed someone could put me as a first in line. It's like a test and no one has passed. But you showed up.

1 June 2014

My actions are not to ignite any rashness from you. It's walking away from a position I don't want to be in. The question has always been hanging on my mind, that you are really not my perfect fit (of course not everyone ends up with who they want).

But to put a little justification that you do not have the right to act, when I not feeling well, you did not care. When I couldn't sleep it did not matter. When I was mad because all I wanted was something mediocre you couldn't do it neither did you put it in a nice way to get out of the situation, nonchalant I think nicely describes the mentality. So what right do you have to kick up a fuss. When you did something or rather you did not do anything, I didn't make a big deal out of it.

I tried to live it through, things that didn't work for us, keeping mum. Ultimately I had to leave, I couldn't live past all the passiveness you were emitting.

I don't want your change because you deserve someone who doesn't want to change you. Probably someone who prefers her other half to be a little more passive but still endearing. I'll love for my other half to be nice and generous with positive words, actions that follow and justifying. Not excuses, instead of thinking why you can't do it, you never tried to make things happen. If the remaining of my life is just you passively waiting for my demands, I pass. I would sometimes rather you do things I might not like with initiative then just taking what I want from you.

I hope you can be rational. I'm not the only person who has ever left. It should not be any different this time round. If you can see I am not worth all the sacrifices.

Please grow up and stop throwing things around no more. Don't let your emotions run how you do things. I've been through worse and you know it. But I'm still here. You should be able to do so too.


8 September 2014

Please let go.


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Shirley Iris.
Crude. Introvert or Extrovert sometimes. Capable of being envious of anyone good at something. Curious in many ways & mad crazy about everything being organized.


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